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Feb 2, 2024
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Yess I wholeheartedly recommend - really beautiful and easy to read too which is always nice. If you’ve read Educated by Tara Westover lots of people have drawn slight comparisons between them (eg religious oppressive father and the daughters using education to break free and the complex nature of trying to navigate out of religious cult like families) xx

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Thank you so much for sharing my essay! 💖 this is a great bunch and The Colony sounds excellent, I am adding to my list! I’m tempted by a lot of the other books too, in no small part due to their gorgeous covers… and I really loved Poor Things too. Let me know if you pick up the book!

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My pleasure Laleh! The Colony was so very good - it took me by surprise! Haha gorgeous covers are my kryptonite! I can’t say no 🥲 I loved Poor Things so much! I didn’t expect it to be so funny but was giggling away in the cinema. I thought Emma Stone was insane. I will Ofc let you know if I pick up the book! I’m very tempted to pick it up soon so I can keep up the momentum from the film!

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I am so glad you enjoyed Lonely Castle in the Mirror! and read at the right time too.

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I did! Thank you for your endorsement of it all those months ago, it’s what made me buy it! Definite case of right book right time. I’m glad I saved it for that moment!

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Fun to see one of my posts turn up in Martha’s review of the book “On Juneteenth”

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It was fun to be able to look at the Map from the lens of the book! Added a great angle to my reading experience - I’d recommend the book if you’re interested.

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So many of these sound intriguing but The Colony has been on my list for ages so I might need to bump that one up. You’ve added so many countries to your map!! my US-centric brain needs to step up because my map is so sad rn 😅

Also now you have me debating reading poor things …..

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Bump it up!! The Colony was so good. And an Irish story that isn’t really about Catholic trauma at all lmao. Good to branch out 😉 a sad map can always change into a happy map!

I’m really really considering reading poor things asap whilst the movie is still so fresh in my mind so I can compare them a bit more!

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Martha, I immediately geeked out when I saw this go live and noticed Sinclair's Memoir in the mix. I set time aside to really take this in and your review left me even more excited to experience Sinclair's poetic memoir style for myself. I adore her poetry ('Cannibal' is unreal, she is a terrifying force when it comes to lyricism and voice) and have this memoir at the top of my list! So excited to read it and truly enjoyed you voicing your experience with it. Also, I've put Laleh's essay aside to enjoy too - thanks for the redirection.

I took so much from the reads you shared, especially these:

"Antwiwaa asks; What truly is the value of a year of return if it only exists for the elite?"

"A thousand little memories from across her lifetime are laid bare in vivid detail." ughhh yes please

"One of the dancers is questioned by a young girl as to why they are treated the way they are. It was touching and heartbreaking to read how this woman was navigating attempting to explain the caste hierarchy to a child." I also agree that the cover art alone would pull me in.


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Amara! I squealed when I saw how detailed this comment was and could savour it for a quiet moment - absolutely divine. I am so desperate to read Cannibal now I’ve read her memoir - her voice is such a force I felt that too, so for you to comment about how it is so strong in Cannibal is deeply exciting. I’m so glad you enjoyed the way I discussed her memoir - thank you. I admire Sinclair so much after reading her memoir - the way she was able to talk about her life so passionately but also neutrally and without accusation was unbelievably impressive. My pleasure for the redirection to Laleh’s essay - she published it just after I finished reading Sinclair and it felt so eerie how much their voices bled together in some ways.

3 excellent quotes!!!! Antwiwaa’s essay was so fascinating I felt I’d stumbled onto a real gem when I found that! The cover art of the short stories book is astonishing I was immediately won over.

When I read the line ‘a thousand little memories from across her lifetime are laid bare in vivid detail’ I audibly sighed like what a beautiful line? My heart was pulled so much by that book it was beautiful.

THANK YOU for the love and enthusiasm always. This comment made me smile so much. 🫶 so much GOODNESS in the world of books

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I’ve added three of the titles to my Library List. Thank you for such thorough, detailed and well researched reviews. I’ve just subscribed 😊

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Thank you Rachel!! I’m curious - which 3 have you picked? ❣️

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Ha! It’s actually four, I miscounted. The ones by Sinclair, Ben Ben, Gordon-Reed, and Tsujimura.

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Miscount forgiven - 4 great pics! Sincalir’s especially blew my mind. She is fiercely talented and her ability to talk about her own life is astounding. I can’t wait for you to read it! Let me know what you think about it when you get round to it! I’d love to hear your thoughts on any of them xx

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I most certainly will circle back to let you know. As a heads up it takes me much longer to go through books than you 😂 so let’s hope I get to even one this year

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It’s okay I’ll be here however long it takes!! I don’t expect people to read as fast as me lol. Although I believe you can get to one this year 🤞

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I get so triggered by religious parents!!!! Just reading the synopsis of How to Say Babylon makes me want to slap somebody, but you also make it sound SO good. Maybe I should give it a shot... I'm super late to comment so you already know what I've been reading :)

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Religious extremism on your own is ONE thing, but when children are dragged into it… it makes me so mad. Makes me want to slap too hahaha. Any religious extremist documentary I usually love and then I see the kids and I’m like 😭😡😨😖😟😔. I’d totally recommend the book I think you’d enjoy it! A very unique memoir. I read a lot (as u know) and they’re not all always so readable but Babylon definitely is! I can’t wait to hear what you think of Piranesi! I hope the job change is getting slightly easier - thinking of u 💜

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