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😭 Madeline you really have me laughing hahaha. I CAN hearing the noise of your bank account crying from the otherside of the world 🤣 I’m so pleased to hear you’ve found so many you like the sound of - sorry for the bank account but not actually sorry at all!!!

Everyone is loving ‘Enter Ghost’ in these comments and all I can keep saying to you all is yes read it!!! It was beautiful and I think you’d enjoy it! ‘Headshot’ again was so good, very different from what I normally read which make it v fun! ‘Mammoth’ was so unhinged and outrageous, but bc you love the unhinged so much I think you’d be all over it, I’d love to talk about some of the plot with you when you get a chance to read! Flies & Yesterday again really lovely books. I actually think you’d love Piñeiro as an author, lots of complex and interesting explorations of ‘bad’ women/mothers written in very compelling and complex ways.

Thank you so much for the love, as always 🥹🫶 I appreciate it so much. I really enjoyed the reviews this month so I’m happy that’s coming across! I’m excited for you to find new recs and read them too, whenever you get the chance!

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Sigh... *packs my TBR with every last one of these titles*

I finally read Erasure by Percival Everett this month!! Well, listened to the audiobook actually. I'm not a huge listen-to-books girl but it was great for this book -- Sean Crisden was an incredible narrator to the point where I'll be looking into his roster and seeing if he's narrated anything else I may be interested in LOL.

I'll definitely buy a physical copy of Erasure for my shelf though, bc i expect it has unlimited re-read potential.

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Hahahahha - sorry not sorry for packing your TBR with more titles. I love to hear the Erasure love! I’ve been intending to read for a while - especially since Tembe’s piece last month (( https://tembe.substack.com/p/american-fiction-couldve-been-great )) I have read a lot of other Everett but not that one! I am also not a listen-to-books girl but the narrator really does make a difference I’m glad he was so good! Definitely buy it for the shelf - I back that entirely.

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Oooh what from Everett would you recommend I pick up next?? I neeeed more

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I loved ‘The Trees’ ALOT. I read ‘Dr No’ last summer and while I didn’t love it as much, it was really quite funny (which is hard for a novel I think). I have copies of ‘Telephone’ and ‘I Am Not Sidney Poitier’ - I think both sound really interesting, but can’t confirm or deny how good they are yet! So I’d recommend The Trees the most & Dr No if you like James Bond/Villain Tales with quick/silly humour!

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I love how in depth your reviews are, Martha! I've been eyeing Enter Ghost and your review has tipped me over the edge ◡̈ Also, I read The Safekeep a few months ago and was so pleased to see it on the Booker Longlist. It was such a good one!

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Thank you Michelle 🥹🫶 yes definitely read Enter Ghost - it was wonderful, I think you’d really enjoy it!! Oh amazing re The Safekeep, I’m happy to hear good things because it sounds amazing! Going to scroll back through your newsletter now to reread your comments on it xx

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Brilliant wrap up and thoughts, as always!

Loved Enter Ghost and Headshot!!!

For WITM I have to recommend Bad Habit by Alana S Portero (translated by Mara Faye Lethem)! Gorgeous trans coming of age set in Madrid in the 80s and 90s.

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Thank you Nic! Headshot & Enter Ghost were my fav reviews I did too!

Appreciate the reminder to get hold of Bad Habit again, it does sound so good - will definitely try and make it a priority to read, if not this month before the end of the year!

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“three movies playing simultaneously” is such an accurate summary of master & margarita.

i’m reading “the night will be long,” i think at your recommendation! never read any claudia piñeiro so that seems up my alley for more engaging crime novels.

and wow, ‘perfect literary fiction’ is such a strong sell.

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Master & margarita was 3 full movies at once haha. Glad I read it though - even if it was insane at times. I love to hear you’re reading ‘the night will be long’!!!!! Absolutely can’t wait to hear what you think - I devoured it so quickly, I thought the pacing was really well done. No spoilers from me but would love to hear what you think of some aspects of it! Piñeiro is an incredibly strong author I think you’d really like her - top tier engaging crime novels. ‘Perfect lit fix’ is such a strong sell and I stand firmly behind it! It was brilliant in so many ways - wholeheartedly recommend.

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Your reviews are incredible! Was excited to see Headshot on the Booker Prize longlist as I recently bought a copy, glad to hear you enjoyed it! I need to read more Barbara Kingsolver too - I read Flight Behaviour by her a few years ago and loved it. It's a beautiful story that touches heavily on climate change. Look froward to hearing your thoughts on The Lacuna!

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Thank you Evie! Headshot was very very good, a very exciting read to have unread on the shelf - I hope you enjoy it - super easy to engage with too! I’ve actually never heard of Flight Behaviour from her before - the others that are on my radar are Poisonwood Bible and Prodigal Summer, but I’ll add it to the list! Kingsolver is such a talented writer, while I am eager to fly through her catalog I equally want to take it slow & savour it. I look forward to giving my Lacuna thoughts - I enjoyed it!

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Another quality month, Enter Ghost has moved to the top of my must-read list! Love your analysis of it !

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Thank you Patrick! I can lend you my copy if you’d like xox

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Instantly adding Time of the Flies and The Edge of the Alphabet (when it comes out) to my TBR!

July was suuuch a bad reading month for me but I'm about 80% of the way through ACOTAR right now and I'm really enjoying it.

Also, bonus points to you because all of these book covers are DIVINE!!!

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Two great choices Soph! I hope you enjoy them, do let me know what you think when you’ve had a chance to read them! I’m sorry to hear July was such a bad reading month, I always find the summer months put me in a massive slump OR make me read like mad, no inbetween!! July started so slow but when the weather improved I was off like a reading rocket haha. I’m glad ACOTAR is helping you unslump and that you’re enjoying it!

And I know right?!?! All the covers are sooo gorgeous and colourful - unplanned but a pleasant surprise when I took the pics for this newsletter!!!

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Martha, I always love and deeply appreciate your recaps and how much detail you put into them.

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Isabel I really appreciate hearing how much you enjoy them - thank you!! 🩷🩷

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I’m glad you liked The Master and Margarita. I haven’t read it yet but I know I’m going to love it! And you’re right it is a confusing book from what I’ve heard.

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I look forward to hearing what you think whenever you read it Jam! It was incredibly confusing but (I think) I had fun reading it nonetheless haha. I had to really fight my instincts to make sense of it and just go with the flow!

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Martha, just want to report back here that I am already reading The Master and Margarita. I am already 100 pages in but still don’t know where is this book heading. And what’s with the Pontius Pilate chapter? Will we be getting continuity with that? I guess I’ll never know until I finish it haha

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Jam!! Ok the Pontius Pilate storyline confused me too, that chapter is the majority of that storyline it pops up again later but I truthfully ignored it as I found it hard to grasp. I googled a lot about it to try and understand the symbolism so I’d recommend doing that. For me the book didn’t start to make ‘sense’ until part 2. Part 1 is just a string of the most insane events to represent the devil at work - I’d suggest just taking it as a continual string of short stories, all there to emphasis the madness and chaos. Part 2, when we meet the Master & Margarita, is when it all seems to come together at bit more. At least for me anyway. Good luck and come back with anymore thoughts and reflections if you have them! I very much had a ‘it’s just a book have fun and don’t get too stuck’ on it mindset.

Essentially; the book is heading into chaos but it’ll all be straightened out (sort of) in the end.

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what a great reading month! I'm intrigued by them all but I want to read Enter Ghost extra bad now! Also, I loved Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible when I was in high school ... no idea if it still holds up ha but I haven't given The Lacuna a go yet to compare it to! ALSO ALSO, dying to read Orbital from that list as well. thank you for giving us the best monthly wrap up once again ily

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I know right! Enter Ghost was extra good, fully recommend. My mum read Poisonwood Bible when it came out and said it was good, I trust you both! I’ve heard some people say it’s very long & takes a while to ‘get’ to the point (too descriptive) but I think that is just how Kingsolver writes and I do like a good description! I enjoyed The Lacuna - I think it would be a particular taste due to the format & the way the story is told but I liked the format! But I do really want to read more of her, she’s so good.

Orbital is soooooo you, I’m unsurprised at you saying you want to read that! Me too tho I love some space every now and then. Thank you for reading and enjoying it ily2 💋

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lol I do feel like Kingsolver is in the “mom books” category because that’s how I was introduced to her too!! Which isn’t a bad thing ofc. I’ve also read Prodigal Summer by her, if you want to give that one a go (before summer is over?!) but we must dive into space soon

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I do feel like this is a mum babe but we love the mums!!!!! Maybe I will give it a go before summer ends, otherwise I’ll save it for next summer! Perhaps every summer I read a Kingsolver. We MUST dive into space soon. We could read ‘Orbital’ (sort of) together??? would u be game???

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Such a great reading month Martha! Enter Ghost sounds incredible ✨

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Thank you Nicole! I think you’d really enjoy Enter Ghost, it was beautiful

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It's like a monthly Christmas present! Enter Ghost has been lingering on my list but I think it's an immediate download for me now.

I've read The Trees by Percival Everett, but two of my family members just gave James 5 stars, so I think it needs to work its way to the top of my TBR soon. Other than that, the Booker list was a bunch of stuff new to me! Often their picks are a littleeee over my head so I want to cull through and see what may be of interest.

I'm a huge Kingsolver fan, and I think the ultimate peak of her writing is Poisonwood Bible - the story of a missionary family from Georgia in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It's expansive, gorgeous nature writing fused with complex geopolitical workings fused with an intimate family drama. I've read it multiple times in my life and am equally taken with it with each read. I'm excited to hear how The Summer Book goes - I couldn't get into it but I think I wasn't in the right brain space when I picked it up.

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Happy Christmas (every month) McKenzie!!! Just for you xox

Enter Ghost absolutely has to be an immediate download for you - I’d love to hear what you think. What did you think of Cantoras?

I have also read The Trees and really enjoyed it - it was so funny! I’ve literally not heard a bad word about James so I do think we might have to get on it asap. The Booker List does feel more fun and accessible this year I think? Much less historical fiction than they usually have. I think there’s much potential in there for books that interest you! Lmk which ones you like the look of I’d like to know!

Kingsolver is queen. I recall you endorsing Poisonwood to me before, so I’ll definitely make an effort to read that one next! I really enjoy the way Kingsolver discusses the political in such subverted ways in her novels. They’re fictional stories rooted in soooooo much sociopolitical history, it’s amazing. Have you read ‘The Lacuna’?

Interesting about The Summer Book! I finished it yesterday- it’s definitely heavy on the no plot just vibes. I think reading it in the blazing heat of August surrounded by nature definitely added to my experience, and had me thinking that perhaps read in any other setting it wouldn’t hit the same.

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Oops, clearly I'm a broken record. Just expect me popping up in your comments demanding you read Poisonwood Bible every few months or so until you do. I haven't read The Lacuna but it's getting bumped right to the top of my list. And I think you're spot on - I need to be laying on a dock somewhere reading The Summer Book and get the full experience.

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You're my favourite record - always xox Haha I look forward to being demanded to read Poisonwood Bible at every chance you get until I do! I really enjoyed The Lacuna! Yes I agree, The Summer Book has to be read steeped in summer nature, otherwise the incredibly descriptive prose about the beauty of the sun, water and plants just doesn't hit the same.

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Oh I'm so, so pleased you enjoyed Enter Ghost! A future classic, I think. Loved reading your review.

For Barbara Kingsolver recs, it's been about ten years but I really loved the Poisonwood Bible when I read it. But I haven't read anything else of hers.

Definitely going to put Headshot on my tbr as well!

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I absolutely agree - it definitely has future classic potential. Thank you for writing such an incredible review that immediately pushed me to reading it! It was really remarkable - I read in a review Hammad is working on her new novel and I am hungry, to say the least, for it to come out!

Poisonwood Bible gets a lot of praise, I am definitely keen to read it as my next Kingsolver. I am surprised you haven’t read ‘Demon Copperhead’ - especially as such a Dickens fan!

Headshot was great and should definitely go on the tbr - it made me watch some of the female Olympic boxing in a whole different light!

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I think she has a long essay or perhaps lecture turned book coming out later this year too which I am very much looking forward to! Recognising the Stranger I think it's called.

I tried Demon Copperhead but ended up dnf-ing it 😭 I think I love the original too much. It's one of my dnfs that I would consider returning to though, when I have time (will that ever happen?) But yeah, I had a few issues with it which I wasn't expecting at all!

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Oh amazing thank you for the intel - it says it’s coming late September! Very much looking forward to that too.

So interesting you dnf’d Demon Copperhead! I guess by loving and knowing the original, it must be hard to approach reading it with a neutral stance, because you’re looking for those parallels! Since Kingsolver’s I have been interested in reading the original! There’s never enough time to read and revisit all the books you want too 😭

What were your issues, out of interest?

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THE LIST THIS MONTH. on fire. I think based on this I will start with a different Pineiro. Also very interesting experience you had with Master & Margarita, I took would be interested in hearing some academic interpretations on it - I find with classics sometimes having a guide makes it better (and is in no way cheating). Enter Ghost is now firmly on the TBR. cheers to a great reading month!!

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also. I dont know what to make of the booker list yet but Wild Houses was on my radar already. Dont wait for the paperback of James because selfishly i want to hear your opinion.

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Booker thoughts - it initially seems more interesting than last years, but haven’t really read any yet so we shall see. A lot more women tho! And a lot less Paul’s!! Wild Houses does sound good and I also just trust an Irish author always. And Rooney endorses it which is a pretty big endorsement for a debut! The one called ‘Stone Yard Devotional’ also sounds like it has potential to be really interesting. Hahaha ok next time I come across a James hardback deal I’ll pounce on it, just for you xox

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Haha YES Natalie thank you for the list enthusiasm - I thought it was pretty on fire too! Yes I would agree, start with a different Piñeiro (either Elena Knows or A Little Luck are good starting places but A Little Luck is my fav of the two) then you can come back to Time of the Flies as/when/if you wish!

Master & Margarita was a lot of fun to read but also very confusing. Duality!!!! I think the academic interpretations would be fascinating (and fruitful there is sooo much there)! I definitely agree that having a guide can make them better - I was googling various symbolism and ‘what does x in master and margarita mean’ a lot!!! And it was helpful because without it, I definitely would’ve missed some pretty major plot points lol. I was just conscious of when I came to write the review resisting reading others because I (I think we both did?) that for East of Eden and it made it so hard to hear my voice of what I actually thought about it!

Enter Ghost absolutely deserves a place on the TBR!

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I really enjoyed All of Our Yesterdays and I agree that it benefits from a slow read! I would recommend the Family Lexicon as well, it's more a memoir-meets-novel but you can see a lot of the shared themes and influences.

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Ah yes I’m so glad to hear you say that Shayane - it took me almost 2 weeks to read ‘All Our Yesterdays’ which is uncharacteristic of me. It just couldn’t be read fast! Oo thank you for the rec - I love a memoir so I had eyed ‘Family Lexicon’ but with your endorsement I’ll definitely get to it quicker. Ginzburg’s life is so fascinating, a memoir from her would be very compelling!

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