deletedApr 1Liked by Martha
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What high praise Madeline, thank you! The Days of Abandonment was such a wild ride, unsettling and funny all at once! I hope it lives up to expectation - let me know how you find it once you get round to reading it! ❤️

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I love how in depth all of your reviews are! I always forget right after I read haha, so I take little book notes in my notes app.

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Thank you Isabel! I don’t love how in depth they are when I am proofreading the newsletter 😂 oh I do that too - it’s lifesaver in remembering! God bless the notes app.

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Lol for real! Notes is my best friend

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Sorry, four! The Dark Side of Skin; On the Savage Side; On the Line and Pew

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Replied on wrong thread but that’s ok 🙂

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Incredible reviews! I really like what you’ve written about society needing to strive for “dignified death” and care. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately as well.

You also make me feel any to read more from the prize lists because I hardly have but they all sound so incredible.

And I’ve been wanting to read Fire Rush for ages!!

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Thank you Amani! 🩷 Yes - a dignified death feels few and far between (unless you’re v wealthy and can control such a thing) and the state of care frankly worldwide is not good. It’s like Susan Sontag says in ‘Illness is a metaphor’ (which I MUST read soon) about how we will all be disabled one day if we life long enough. So if we’re all heading there (both disability and death) doesn’t it benefit us all to invest more in it? I think the rise of individualism under capitalism has impacted a lot of societies perception on illness & death. Could read and write about it forever. ‘Ill feelings’ by Alice Hattrick is next on my illness lit tbr if you haven’t heard of it.

I have Fire Rush on my shelf!! I’ve also been meaning to get round to it for a while! I love the prize lists just get so drawn in haha - too many good books!

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I couldn’t agree more!

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So many great books here! Am adding at least 3 to my TBR pile 🫶🏼

Am about to finish The Colony that I got from one of your newsletters and my goodness I LOVE IT!

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Thank you Nicole!! Which 3? And I’m so glad to hear you’re loving The Colony!!! It’s fantastic isn’t it?! A wonderful book

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Amazing reviews as always!!!

I read Biography of X last month, and I really enjoyed it. Catherine Lacey writes things nobody else could.

Also read Birnam Wood last month… can confirm it is long and it feels even longer.

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Thank you!! I love to hear that you enjoyed reading Biography of X - the exact endorsement of the book I was seeking, will definitely give it a read.

I am officially in the Catherine Lacey fan club after reading Pew. New author obsession unlocked.

Omg I winced at your Birnam Wood comment. It does feel eternal - it’s criminal to write a 420 page book and structure it into only 3 parts NO CHAPTERS. Why does Catton want us to suffer so much? Trying to remain #positive about it so I don’t loose the motivation to finish it lmao.

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Adding Pew to my list. Thanks for the thoughtful reviews.

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A great choice - let me know what you think of it once you’ve read it! Pew was so easy to engage with - in the literal act of reading as well as the invitation to make you think! Thank you Abra.

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Martha, what are you doing to me 😍 added Pew, On the Savage Side and Dazzling to my already pretty long list. Just finished reading Kairos and loved it (long listed for the international booker prize - thanks for pointing me there!)

From the modern classics I’m currently on Memoirs of Hadrian - unexpected thrift shop find, a surprisingly enjoyable novel contemplating life and death amidst the liminal godless space of Roman Empire.

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Jana I’m sorry!!! (just kidding, I’m not 😉) What reader doesn’t have an already long list of books to get round too - those are 3 great books! I look forward to hearing what you think of them.

Oh amazing, I’m glad you loved it! Kairos looks wonderful I really want to read it. If it doesn’t make the shortlist I’ll be getting it anyway! (the same goes for ‘What I’d Rather Not Think About’ from the longlist too)

Memoirs of Hadrian sounds really interesting! There is nothing more satisfying than randomly discovering a book and then loving it! I enjoy a good contemplation of life and death, especially in the context of such a vast empire. I’m intrigued - thank you for the recommendation!

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I enjoy your reviews so much! You influence me in the best possible ways and broaden my reading geography that I pledged to expand this year. Thank you so much for all the work you are putting into this newsletter ❤️

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Thank you so much Jana - this is such a sweet comment and means so much. I’m so glad you enjoy reading the newsletter as much as I enjoy writing it! I’m very grateful to have you as a reader ❤️

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On the Savage Side might just be one of my favourite books of 2024 already. It's not easy though, but don't we all love a gut-wrenching novel?

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That’s the stuff worth living for ✨

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Thanks for the amazing reviews as always!! Days of Abandonment is on my tbr shortlist - I loooved Ferrante’s Neapolitan Quartet!

The only book I’ve read from the women’s prize is Ordinary Human Failings which I really enjoyed - an in depth character study of a family that also reads a bit like a thriller.

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My pleasure as always Renee! Do you think I should read the quartet next???? I wanted to start with a shorter Ferrante to get a taste of her writing instead of going straight in with a series. The Quartet is soooo loved!

Oo yes Ordinary Human Failings piqued my interest too! I’ve never read any Nolan before, but I do love an indepth character study so I’ll definitely add it to the tbr. Thank you!

What’s your favourite cover from the women’s longlist if you have one? I’m intrigued.

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haha yess read quartet next!!

oohhh that's a good question - hah good idea for a post too!! I like all of the wren, the wren covers I've seen! I also like this Brotherless Night cover: https://womensprize.com/library/brotherless-night/

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A great post idea! I look forward to it coming 😉 you could look as prize lists covers overall to see which prizes are giving certain vibes ✨and YES I looooove the brotherless night one - gorgeous!

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Just put each and every one on my to read list. The Woman in the Dune seems absolutely spine tingling. Thanks for your thorough reviews.

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Rachel!!! I apologise for making your to read list to much longer lmao - but I would wholeheartedly agree you should read all of these. Spine tingling is EXACTLY how The Woman in the Dunes feels - excellent choice of words! I wish I thought of that phrase myself! Thank you for reading - I appreciate it x

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Yeah it shot up the list to be read this year. Your review read like they were literally shoveling my the sand of an hourglass. I was hooked.

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Apr 2Liked by Martha

I loved both Enter Ghost amd Brotherless Night so I'd absolutely recommend! Fire Rush has also been on my TBR since last year I need to get to it. Really appreciate your thoughtful reviews

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Apr 2Liked by Martha

Also I've only read Ferrante's quartet and was so skeptical that I'd like it but I was completely immersed

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Another high praise of the quartet to add to the list! I ONLY hear good things about it. Being completely immersed in a book is always the dream.

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Oo I’m so glad you enjoyed both! I absolutely want to get round to reading them so thank you for recommending! Fire Rush has also been on my shelf since last year and I also really need to get too it! I really appreciate you reading Ariana, thank you.

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As always, so good!!

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Thank you always Tembe!! ❤️🩷💜

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I'm interested in Pew now!

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As you should be Michelle! It really was so very good. Incredibly easy to engage with on and off the page - I think you’d enjoy it!

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I love the intelligence and depth of your reviews. Thank you for sharing titles that are often hidden from view in mainstream media. Have you read “My Friends” by Hisham Matar? Highly recommended for his insights, including about the connection of London to acts of terror. Matar brings you through the complicated experience of exile, from Libya under Gaddafi, and the protagonist’s deep and complex friendships with his fellow exiles.

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Thank you as always for your praise Margo, I appreciate it! I hope you found a book that interests you? I haven’t read ‘My Friends’ but thank you SO much for the recommendation - I just searched it and it sounds so so interesting and very much up my alley. I appreciate you understanding my reading taste so well! I’ll let you know when I get round to it (which hopefully will be soon because I am very very interested)

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what interesting reads!!! i cant wait to add a few of these to my list. your ability to recount a novel is extraordinary!

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Thank you Billie! I’m deeply flattered by that comment - I’m not sure it IS extraordinary but thank you!

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Apr 2Liked by Martha

What a great edition of the newsletter! I have read one Catherine Lacey novel so far, her first, called Nobody is Ever Missing and would definitely recommend it! I have been wanting to read another of hers, so I'll have to add Pew to my library list! I also just finished a classic novel (at least I think it's a classic?) that I am recommending to everyone, Lady Audley's Secret by Elizabeth Braddon. It was excellent!

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Thank you for reading Kaitlyn! Oo okay thank you for the recommendation - I am definitely looking for more Lacey! I’d love to know what you think of Pew when you get round to reading it! I just looked up Lady Audley’s Secret and it does look like a classic so we will call it a classic!! I’ve never come across the title before but it sounds excellent, thank you for sharing - I’m glad you enjoyed it so much!

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I was especially interested in your thoughts on Ferrante - I read My Brilliant Friend and didn't connect with it, which made me wonder what was wrong with me since it was so beloved. SO MANY PRIZES! I wanted to read a bunch of Booker's this year but the first one I started with wasn't my favorite so I can't say I am motivated to read any prize nominee indiscriminately any longer. Cheers to any one who tries though!

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It’s so tough when you read a book that everyone loves and you don’t love it - it makes you feel so defeated?! I enjoyed Ferrante but I didn’t LOVE her - after reading her for the first time I definitely think she’s a very specific taste/style. I was more impressed with her writing than I was with the ‘story’ if that makes sense. The way she wrote about Olga loosing her mind was more impressive than Olga actually loosing her mind - does that make sense? Idk maybe it doesn’t haha.

SO MANY PRIZES! Which one did you read to start with? That’s the great challenge with reading a prize list is that you have to force through some books you might not like. That’s why I want to try read the shortlist as I feel like I’m getting very *comfortable* in my reading only reading genres I know I’ll like! Let’s see if that holds tho lol. Watch me feel like I absolutely cannot get through a book on the shortlist and feeling completely defeated. We shall see lmao. Here’s to trying! Cheers !

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it absolutely makes sense! her writing is lovely but the characters were my issue.

I started with This Other Eden because it was skinny and well that was my fault. Should have gone with the Bee Sting but I was eager to finish ONE book in less than a week lol

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Yeh I hear you! Lmao This Other Eden how could I forget! Me n u both avoiding Bee Sting bc of the sheer size. When you run a book newsletters it’s a nightmare to not finish one book in less than a week lol

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I’ve vowed to read Bee Sting this year. I WILL do it. Maybe in the summer when the days feel longer therefore more time to read!

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that is a good idea!!

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